Dash Snow (1981–2009) is best known for his sculptural installations, collages, and photographs. Snow has exhibited in galleries and museums such as the New Museum of Contemporary Art, the Whitney Biennale, Deitch Projects and CFA Gallery in Berlin.

Since his late teens, Snow has used photography to documents his days and nights of extreme hedonism – nights which, as he famously claimed, he might not otherwise remember. This Zine contains a selection of his critical Dada-esque collages, which range from cum-glittered tabloid covers starring Saddam Hussein to straight text pieces to sculptural works composed of items like books and skeletal fragments; and a smattering of the photographs and Polaroids that originally made Snow famous outside of street art culture, where he began writing graffiti.
Published by NievesInnen, 32 pgs, 14 × 20 cm, Softcover