“Lazy Painter” is a group project featuring Angela Gjergjaj, Jordi Bucher and Mirco Petrini. It was inspired by a two-week module focusing on “Generative Design” run at Fachklasse Grafik Luzern. Generative design is the translation of complex data structures into a visual representation. The main task students face is to define rules that lead to unique designs.
A good game is based on rules that allow for a certain element of surprise. Likewise, students are encouraged to devise rules, methods of design or experimental concepts that effectively generate a wide diversity of designs. In our discussions, we don’t primarily focus on the final result, but on the creative processes involved. Which parameters can be set that are neither too restrictive nor too vague, so that monotony and randomness are avoided?
The shift from a merely sketch-based approach towards a comprehensive set of design rules enables visual representations to be surprising in their final result. Students no longer hesitate to bring pen to paper. Design is performed seamlessly and becomes a game. A constant game of designing and being designed.
Just like that.
164 pages