5 résultats affichés

Inspired by a DIY-attitude and a hunger for critical elevation, Onomatopee Projects discusses and mediates a habitual visual sanctuary of pop culture, power and other environments of visual consciousnesses alike. Over the course of its existence, the exhibition space has attracted an annual average of between 5.000 and 25.000 visitors. Throughout the year they attend many international art book fairs and regularly organise shows abroad. Taking the hub of Eindhoven as a starting point to mount globally relevant programs of various sizes and interests, Onomatopee produces visual criticality and advocates progressive culture: all to inspire in-depth experiences and to provide critical nourishment for all of us.

Each project – consisting of a boundary pushing exhibition and an elevating publication– uses exceptional cultural attention as a source of wonder and knowledge that identifies a current experience of visual culture. Onomatopee’s award-winning publications and experimental exhibitions are known for their technically smart, well-balanced designed lay-out and progressive editing. Assembling surprising teams of artists, designers, academic thinkers, creative writers, architects, exhibition designers, graphic designers and more; the exhibitions’ curatorial formats challenge contemporary topics in unconventional ways.


The Breadcrumb cookbook brings artistic value to everyday life and instigates thought as well as food for digestion.


Within its pages, science fiction holds the space to test ambitious projects without the fear of failure.


This book is an artist’s guide to copyright, written for makers.

Le prix initial était : 35,00 €.Le prix actuel est : 28,00 €.

Artist Marleen Sleeuwits, known for her photography, objects and installations, takes this experimental book to propose a four-tiered representation of space: starting with two-dimensional images of space, that are then placed in a scale model, to the photos taken inside this model and, finally, to their convergence in this book. The spaces could be anything [...]

Le prix initial était : 17,00 €.Le prix actuel est : 13,60 €.

The textures of our culture are reflected within the patterns we produce. Sometimes the surface that hosts the pattern is more slippery than imagined, or the pattern appears to have been too unstable in the first place. As the ruler is held exclusively in the hands of humankind, why then is the pattern so tempting [...]